Monday, May 31, 1999

Phoenix Mars Mission Blog hacked by 16 year old?

I posted this for public interest and (1) the translation could be way-off, (2) this post - and Jamptap - does not condone hacking and (3) the cited individual may or may not be the hacker 'at-large' or affiliated with him/her. Below is the Russian-English translation of the cached (Google) version of


My name is Vitaly Antonenko. I live in New York, originally from Ukraine. I am 16 years old. I like what I do, and it was good I get. Overall, I am very positive people. Maybe we have already met on the pages of my Internet projects.


(1996 - 2005) Ternopol school № 3, graduated from 9 cells.
(2005 - 2007) School at the UN in New York, graduated 11 cells.
(2007 - now) New York University, specializing in "Safety of Information Technology". Now I study at the first course.


(2005 - present)
Development and Support web site WaReZzZ.BiZ
Basically Internet zarobotok.

"Computer hobbies:

Programming. And I love doing this for several years.
Programmable on JAVA, JavaScript. Also, using web technologies such as PHP, HTML, CSS cascading stylesheets and server include SSI.

Protection and breakup. Vulnerability for the following popular web interfaces and programs. Present network security and protection from hacking techniques.

Graphics. We can not say that love, but because in creating a site without the ability to create graphic elements - nothing, so deal with different graphics editors.

Music. In recent times was to make different tracks in the electronic style. Official web site - VITAL - HGT

"Other hobbies:

I love to read books only facing. For example, research, psychology and philosophy, news of high technology), science fiction, fantasy, and not just those genres. Material on koddingu - where did without it? :)

I love to play computer games, but are not fond of. Favorite game Counter-Strike.

"What else?

I love Trial and BMH, once worked. Draw Graffiti (at school).
Also fond of NLP technology.
Do not smoke cigarettes, because there is no point ..)

"Poll: What do you think about me?

1. Positive thoughts
0. Negative thoughts

Percentage: +81% -19%

"For more information about me and communication with me can be obtained at:

ICQ: 589-573

Any information posted on these pages, should be considered only my personal point of view at the time of publication and accept for review.

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