Wednesday, January 28, 2009

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ChaCha has KGB hot on their trail

In January 2009, a company called 'KGB' launched a premium text answer service that is so similar to ChaCha's that I doubt you'll be able to tell the two apart by the time you finish reading this post. The only difference between KGB and ChaCha's text services is that instead of inserting ads in text responses (as ChaCha does), KGB charges a $.50 fee per search.

So, what are the similarities?

1. Both are human-powered mobile search engines; instead of 'guides,' KGB uses 'Special Agents'

2. KGB also employs a catchy SMS code, but KGB's code spells the name of their company twice: 542542 for KGBKGB.

3. Both companies' SMS codes are repetitions of a three-character word (although only one SMS code spells the full brand name of a company)

4. Like ChaCha, KGB bought and forwarded the dotcom wordnumber for KGBKGB - - to its website; KGB registered the domain via an entity called Tenpenny Group, Inc.

The indictment:

I seem to recall that ChaCha's text code is 242 242 and that numeric string seems awfully similar to 542 542. Is it coincidence or sleezy marketing? Any of ChaCha's customers for its text service simply need to slip their thumb down a notch - accidentally or purposely - when spelling out 'Cha' twice on a keypad and *somehow* arrive at their competitor's service. How convenient!

I'm not the first one to point out the coincidences behind KGB's 'offering.' 'Stephen' at wrote on January 4:

I think they are trying to rip off ChaCha, personally.

They are charging 30-70cent per answer though.

Also, how can 542542 and 242242 be a coincidence?

ChaCha should get 'em for infringement I believe..

I think I'll start a company called BIL and launch a text answer service using the SMS code of 245 245 for BILBIL. All my agents/guides will go by the name of 'Bill' and, of course, I'll forward to my site. And maybe, or perhaps very likely, I'll get some of the (texting) type-in traffic from both ChaCha and KGB.

Related post: ChaCha ventures into uncharted trademark territory

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At 5:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ChaCha's short code (242242) does spell "ChaCha" on my mobile phone key pad....I'm not thinking KGB's code is just a coincidence either. ChaCha should be calling their attorneys!

At 12:02 PM, Blogger jloucks said...

KGB is actually older than ChaCha. I worked as a guide for both ChaCha and KGB and my experience has been 1) that ChaCha guides produce very low quality answers (because it's free) and KGB gives well thought out answers because the guides are aware that the customer is paying. 2) New ChaCha guides are getting seriously ripped off for payment making less than $3 an hour while KGB guides are getting paid a flat per question rate that equates to at least $6 an hour depending on how fast you are.

ChaCha is the rip off here...


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